I didn't write this - but I'd love to collaborate.
I've already begun a study of a variety of different socioeconomic simulations - addressing the concern that the three functions of money violate 3 of the 4 laws of thermodynamics. Obviously, you can't violate thermodynamics, so the fact that money is just such an attempt has an incredibly destructive affect on our social systems - amplifying systemic entropy by orders of magnitude. So, these are thermodynamic analyses of how the use of money alters the velocity of entropy within a system - and it's bad. Way worse than I thought. The use of money is, by far, the single largest contributor to global warming according to the sims. Obviously this all needs peer review; but I'm sure that will come in due time.
I haven't published any of the sim data yet; though, I can send it to you if you're interested.
If you'd like to see what I have already published, a research proposal (needs to be updated) is available online in the form of a "researchcast"; The STEMPrime researchcast, to be precise.
There is also a large repository of videos that encompass and describe the scientific foundations of my research as well as the hypotheses I'm working with.
Hit me up if you'd like to collaborate.