The Power of Name

Without a name, a concept has no form and little power. When one recognizes a nameless structure, naming it brings it out of the shadows and into a communicable realm. When a concept is given a name, not only does it become easily and quickly communicated to others; but there is a dormant power that is awakened. This power seems to partly come from how our minds work differently between vague concepts and concepts compartmentalized through the symbolic name. The rest of the power appears to be synergistic interplay between our empowered minds and the now named concept.
Without a name; calculus, quantum superposition, or 33mm wrench would be nothing more than a vague fluttering idea passing through in the midst of a day dream.
I would never have understood how powerful a name is had I not given the name “Ideophysical Dynamism” to a wandering concept I simply wanted to solidify. I had recognized this concept on several occasions. But I also recognized that I couldn’t explain to others why it seemed so important without first giving it a name.
As it turns out, the act of naming has a dormant power that, once awakened, exudes an almost supernatural power. Our minds seem to light up, illuminating the shadows where the named idea once hid. The interesting thing about this is that those shadows end up having hid several other related elements; that though they’re related to the now named thing, they existed behind a curtain that utterly blinds the human mind.
This is where the true power of gifting a name exists; not in the named thing itself, but in those still unnamed concepts that have now been illuminated through the naming of the concept that now servers as a bridge from the world of the known to the world of the utterly hidden.